Marriage Part 1

So I'm listening to this lengthy NPR story about gay rights and gay adoption and all these court cases around the nation and this woman says something to the effect of "this is how lesbians live. Not the crazy lifestyle you'd expect." And it got me thinking about how marriage is marriage no matter who's marrying, so if you really want to sell gay marriage to right wingers terrified of "immoral acts," then convince them that, like with all marriages, there will be a steep drop in sexual activity.

Boom. Gay weddings galore. 

Marriage Part 2

Some nights Sarah and I laugh like crazy. Tonight has been just such a night. I'm trying to think what we were laughing about, but it was good. Ok, like with the wine. Sarah poured me a huge glass to the brim. I was like "whoa, hey" and she replied, "you're going to want a second glass anyway, so you might as well get that while you're here." Laughter ensued. And while it doesn't seem all that funny (and that we're just as boring as NPR lesbians,) it might have had something to do with the soul-freeing fact that we were about to drink a goblet of wine. 

And we've pretty much been laughing ever since.

Our daughter has developed this crazy fake laughter for any occasion when people are laughing.  It's been good for my self esteem.

Our daughter has developed this crazy fake laughter for any occasion when people are laughing.  It's been good for my self esteem.

Marriage Part 3

And I've noticed that when Sarah and I are laughing, that the kids laugh too. They may not even know why, and it very well could be at their dork parents wheezing over one liners, but it's cool to have everyone stoked for what could be no other reason than we're all in the same place. 

I'd better stop before I start shilling Hamburger Helper or some crap. BTW, General Mills I'm totally available.
